Largest moving characters ever seen on a home computer.
5 exciting backgrounds. 8 directional smooth scrolling.
By using unique and innovative programming techniques you will have to
combat the largets, cartoon-like, animated characters ever seen and with
the action set against eight way smooth scrolling backgrounds plus state
of the art music and digitised sound effects.
Zzap64! - Overall Rating: 90%
'A competent and playable beat 'em up, which has enough
variety and innovation to make it a worthwhile purchase.'
From the humble peasant farmers of Thailand came one of the world's
most devastating forms of combat, Thai Boxing - the fastest, meanest
and most exciting full contact sport on the world of martial arts.
In this unique simulation of Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) you must fight
your way from the cliff ledge above your village, through the jungle
and into the streets of Bangkok. Only after defending all the street-wise
opponents will you be granted the right of fight in the famous Lumpini
stadium, here you will encounter the greatest exponents of the sport, the
Bangkok Knights.
But beware, the Bangkok
Knights are not known for the chivairy. They will often surprise you with
comical cheat moves and you might die laughing. |
1st Opponent: Manchu Man
To defeat Manchu Man all you have to do is keep your distance and punch him.
If he comes close, knee or shin kick him and he should back off, allowing you
to finish him off with a few good punches. No problem really. |
2nd Opponent: Dan Fists
All you have to do to this guy is punch and fly kick, and he hardly ever
comes close. If, by some extraordinary quirk of fate, he does, back off
quickly or he'll use his Ninja magic and put you out for good! |
3rd Opponent: Bambo Man
This one usually stays quite far out, allowing some of the better kicks to be
used. If he comes too close, just back off and knee him until he takes a
couple of steps back, and carry on kicking him. |
4th Opponent: Killa Kale
This old guffer is the hardest of the lot! Keep your distance and punch,
throwing the odd kick for good measure. If he comes in close, back off -
because once he starts kicking you're as good as dead. Just keep on your
toes, and victory is yours. |
5th Opponent: Siam Sally
To beat this macho female into submission, just keep your distance and either
use a combination of five punches to one kick, or five kicks to one punch. If
you think that sounds odd, try it out for yourself and see if you win. |
6th Opponent: Mucho Mike
Just keep your distance and keep on kicking, and there shouldn't be too many
problems. If he does wander (and you're pretty unlucky if he does) just punch
or elbow him. |
7th Opponent: Daddy Kale
A bit of a toughie this one. Continually punch him, and try not to kick. If
he comes in close watch out for his deadly headbutt. |
8th Opponent: B.B.Butler
Oddly enough, the last of the kick boxers is one of the easiest to beat -
what an anticlimax! As soon as the bell goes, do a flying kick to head, then
shin kick him until his energy is very low, and finally polish him off with
a couple of punches. After that, stare against at the rubbish ending screen and
saunter off and make a cup of tea... |
Meaningless Garbage
Did you know (and not a lot of people know this), that this boxing game
has a - well a sort of cheat mode. It doesn´t give infinite lives or anything
useful like that, oh no.
What it does though, is...Tell you what, try it and see for yourself.
What you have to do is turn off the music and enter the code 9990.
Now play the first few bars of Koyaanasqatsi using the numbers as notes,
and voila! The 'cheat' is now active... Ah, yes, Koyaaanasqatsi:
Try 6360 6360 7370 7370 6269 6269 8070 6030. Bizarre... |
No Hope
The End