The Slot Car Racing Set Where All The Options Are Standard Equipment.
It's all right here in this kit! Everything you need to create the most
outrageous slot car tracks and experience the thrill of racing them.
You even can send your tracks to a friend and challenge him to beat
your best times. A customized mailer and extra disk is enclosed at no
extra change.
Design Your Own High Tech Slot Car Tracks Literally millions of track
variations are possible. Choose from a wide variety of track sections,
including overpasses, straight-aways, curves and ingenious "switch
tracks". You can make S-curves, hairpins, figure-eights and dozens of
other variations.
Over 20 different types of track are available
Assembly process is simple - can be learned in seconds.
Design and modify tracks with just the touch of a joystick
"Overview" option allows you to survey design work instantly.
Designing is just half the fun!
Once you've constructed your tracks,
you can race them against three computer-driven challengers and against
the clock. Race a track over and over and post your best time.
If the course isn't tough enough, go back to the drawing board and make
it tougher. There's no end to the possibilities!
You have complete control over speed and braking.
All racing controls are at your fingertips with the joystick.
Race three computer competitors - any one of whom could knock you right
off the track.
Send Your Best Tracks to Friends: An ingenious feature of FastTracks
lets you record your tracks on blank diskettes and send them to your
friends - around the corner or across the country. Challenge them to
beat your best times. They don't have to own FastTracks to race the
tracks you send them.
Blank Diskette and special mailer inside.
A great way to challenge your friends to a race .
We've included everything you need; the FastTracks program, complete,
easy-to-sue instructions, blank diskette and a special mailer!
At last, slot cars enter the computer.