Long Life
Copyright/Publisher: 576 KByte, Programmed By: Laszlo Domokos, Grahpics By: Laszlo Udvardy,
Release Year: 1994, Genre: Fighting Sports, Number Of Players: 1 or 2

While playing use your joystick in PORT1. The following moves can be used:

Joystick up+right : kick to head
Joystick up+right&fire : jump and kick to head
Joystick right&fire : kick to the upper part of the body
Joystick down+right&fire : slide and kick to legs
Joystick left&fire : circlekick to head
Joystick up+right : kick to head
Joystick up&fire + down&fire : fireball

Joystick up+left : jump back
Joystick up+leftt&fire : defence of the upper body
Joystick down+left&fire : defence of the lower body

You can increase your strength and hitpoint by gaining credit points.