Wall - Approach with a good speed to clear.
FIRE to jump
Water Jump - FIRE to jump
Logs - Press FIRE to jump to next log
Ramp - Run up ramp but slow down towards the top
Rope Swing - Run to water and press FIRE to jump to rope.
FIRE to release grip on rope
Press 1 or 2 for 1 or 2 player game.
Press the letters A to D to alter the
features listed.
Thin Wall
Keep speed down - too fast and the cadet will
fall off.
Parallel Bars
Cadet moves automatically. Wiggle joystick
quickly to keep up grip.
Barbed Wire
Cadet crawls automatically. Wiggle joystick
quickly to keep head down.
Air left is indicated by oxygen level indicated.
Death Slide
Wiggle to keep cadet's grip when climbing up
and sliding down the wire.
On completion of each obstacle a score that is
in line with each obstacle's difficulty is given.