California Games
Copyright/Publisher: Epyx, Game Design By: Fuzzy Furry, Chuck Sommerville, Jon Leupp,
Ken Nicholson & Kevin Norman, Graphics By: Jenny Martin, Suzie Greene,
Sheryl Knowles & Paul Vernon, Music By: Chris Grigg & Gil Freeman,
Release Year: 1987, Genre: Multi Events, Number Of Players: 1 to 8

What's this doing in a US sports feature? Well, we know some smart Alecs would only have complained if we didn't cover it, and it is the best of the classic Epyx multi-eventers.

The six events are all very distinctive, requiring vastly different skills. Probably the most famous is the Surfing, with your dude 'hanging ten' in front of an awesome wave.

You can enter the tube, curl round for 360 turns, and even leap above the water to do amazing aerial spins. It sure is great fun.

Just as radical is the Half Pipe, with your skateboarder performing handplants and aerials - when you master the accurate timing required.

Equally skilful, but more sedate, is Footbag. Kick, knee and head the little sack to earn points in a sophisticated scoring system, with bonuses awarded for complicated combinations.

Both Roller Skating and BMX involve negotiating obstacle-strewn horizontally scrolling course, performing stunts in mid air. Possibly the weakest of the events is the Flying Disk, but even that's good fun trying to catch the Frisbee in different ways (jumping, diving etc).

Presentation is superb with loads of options, world records and superb multi-player mode. All the events feature excellent cartoonesque graphics and gorgeous backdrops. But most importantly they're all really well implemented, requiring a combination of skill, tactics and daring. Triumphant!