A dangerous crime stopping adventure...
You're a Technocop, a member of the most elite crime fighting force in the
country called the ENFORCERS. Your mission is to capture, at any cost,
ruthless criminals who paralyse the city unless you stop them.
Before you start on your journey you are equipped with the laetst crime
fighting equipment. At your disposal are a computer wrist watch, a high power
criminal radar locator, a snare net gun, and a .88 magnum pistol and you will
be driving the force's newest high speed pursuit-and-destroy vehicle - the
VMAX twin turbo interceptor.
You're on your way to thwart the operations of a sinister organised crime
empire known throughout the world as Death on Arrival (D.O.A.). Speed down
treacherous highways, encountering attacking D.O.A. cars. Use the extensive
weaponry built into your car to destroy them. Depend on your criminal
locator to tell you there is a crime in progress, giving you the time needed
to arrive at the scene in order to apprehend a vicious criminal. Rush to the
scene to make it, but don't lose control of the car and avoid getting hit
by attacking D.O.A cars!
Once there your crime computer shows you the face of a wanted D.O.A. criminal
on the screen. Your assignment, as you leave your car to enter the building
where the criminal was last reported seen, is to capture him dead or alive
as instructed by the crime computer.
Using your criminal radar locator and computer wrist watch, you carefully
search through a maze of dilapidated interiors of the building to find the
culprit. Just getting around in the building is tough enough, with broken
floors to fall through if careless. Worse yet, D.O.A. thugs abound, eager to
wreak havoc on your search. Be careful!
Once you've successfully completed that assignment, get back into your VMAX
and drive on to your next assignment.