American Tag Team Wrestling
Copyright/Publisher: Zeppelin Games, Programmed By: Dave Sowerby, Graphics By: David Taylor,
Music By: Andrew Rodger, Release Year: 1992, Genre: Wrestling, Number Of Players: 1 or 2

The Zeppelin American Tag Team World Wrestling Championship is an awesome display of talent, gymnastics and - judging by the size of the leotards hanging in the changing room - belly. One such behemoth is Combine Harvester, title holder, and full time man mountain. He is currently squeezed uncomfortably into a normal size sofa. The guy is huge! Imagine two body builders superglued together and you have Combine Harvester.

Feeling more like a mouse than a hardened reporter I begin the interview, using all the tact and sensitivity they teach you at journalist school. So Mr Harvester just what is your real name? Larry Tractor? Reggy Lawnmower? Or even Percy Edge Trimmer? It takes a couple of seconds for my quips to register, but then my man mountain turns into a volcano. He grabs me in a Strangle Hold, follows it up with a Half Nelson, spins me round the room and then like a character in a cartoon, throws me through the unopened door leaving my perfect outline behind.

Before slipping into unconsciousness, I make a mental note never to upset an American Tag Team Wrestler ever again ...

Competition can either be:
1. Single Match
2. Tournament

Once the type of bout has been decided, the list of American Tag Teams complete with their pictures are given for player selection. Moving the hand down the lists of Wrestlers and pressing Fire picks the Tag Team you wish to control.

All matches take place over three, two minute rounds, with a Fall deciding the winners. Both members of the Tag Team have their own energy bars, shown beside their faces at the bottom of the screen. When the Wrestler is low on energy he flashes, and this means that he is weak enough to be held down for a Fall.

When a Wrestler is out of the ring, he is allowed to recover some of his lost energy, even though he will be encouraging his team mate by offering him help and advice.

The swapping of Wrestlers in the ring is know as Tagging. Tagging allows a Team to swap Wrestlers to make use of a particular Wrestler's skill, or to allow energy recovery. To tag a Wrestler, move back to your corner, face your partner, and press the Fire button.

Fire Button

Upwards Diagonal Forward Move with Fire Button Pressed

Press Joystick twice in the direction that you wish to head in.

Press FIRE while running from rope to rope.

Position your Wrestler facing the corner they wish to climb. Pressing FIRE makes the Wrestler climb the ropes and turn ready to jump. Pressing FIRE initiates a Falling Forehand Smash on a near opponent.

When your opponent is on the canvas, pressing FIRE whilst standing above the Wrestler starts an Elbow Drop manoeuvre.

When the opponent is low on energy and flashing, he will not be able to withstand a Fall, where the shoulders are held on the canvas for 3 seconds. Moving your Wrestler across his body will Pin the opponent and the bout will be won.