Horace Goes Skiing
Copyright/Publisher: Beam Software, Written By: Gregg Barnett,
Release Year: 1984, Genre: Winter Sports, Number Of Players: 1

Before Horace can get to the ski-slopes he must fetch his skis from a hut on the other side of a busy road. Horace will move in one of four directions according to the keys you press. At the beginning of the game Horace has $40 to spend. If he is knocked down it will cost him $10 in ambulance fees.

After Horace has successfully crossed the road, guide him into the door of the hut where he will fetch his skis. The charge for ski hire is $10. Horace should not enter the ski hut unless he can afford the hire charge. If Horace has spent all his money on ambulance fees, then he can accumulate points and money by crossing the road repeatedly. At every 1000 points boundary, Horace receives a $10 bonus. Horace should not linger on the road longer than necessary since the traffic becomes progressively more conjested as time goes on.

After fetching his ski's Horace must return across the road to the ski slopes. In the second part of the game Horace must ski down the Hannekon run avoiding the trees and slaloming between the red and blue pairs of flags. If Horace fails to pass between the flags a warning note is sounded and Horace will lose points.

Horace can parallel left and right with the joystick as above repsectively. Horace increases his points by passing between the flags and he can also receive a 100 points bonus by passing through the finish barrier. As in the highway section, theres a $10 bonus at every 1000 point boundary.

If Horace should hit a tree then he can continue on the slope provided that his skis do not break. If his skis do break then Horace must again cross the road for a new set of skis and then return across the road to the ski slopes. If Horace successfully completes the course with his skis intact then he must cross the road once with his skis to the next slope.

You can pause the game at any point by pressing key "S" and susequently continue by pressing any key along the bottom row. A game can be aborted and a new game started by pressing Keys "G" and "H" together.