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| Cover Front | Cover Front (HS) | Review Zzap | Review 2 Zzap | Domark | Tengen | Water Sports |
Copyright/Publisher: Domark/Tengen, Music: Matt Furniss, Programmed By: Shaun Hollingworth &
Mike Talbot, Release Year: 1989, Genre: Water Sports, Number Of Players: 1 or 2

ZZAP! Rating; Overall 11%
Hyped drivel which should be thrown into a deep dark hole and left to die.

The World's First Inner-Tube Race!
The major coin-op arcade game of the year!
Toobin' is the wackiest, funniest and most entertaining game ever! Get Toobin' with the Tube Dudes. Ride the rapids and check out the white water challenges for an action packed fun day out toobin'.

It's rad! It's bad! TOOBIN' is so awesome, dude! Have a totally toobular time Toobin' on dozens of rivers. You can even cruise down Martian canals and prehistoric swamps.

Go through gates, grab treasures and weapons, steer clear of obstacles and fight enemy dudes before they damage your toob. At the end of each river is a whirlpool that'll take you to another wet and wild ride!

Keep your head above water and you'll have an excellent rippin' and ragin' time!