People's choice: Winter Games |
29th March 2001 |
The poll: "Which game in Epyx's 'Games'-serie is your favourite?"
is finally closed. No big suprises; the 6th & 7th places was already almost given.
The little surprise for me is Summer Games II, which I think deserves better than that!
...And here are the results from the jury: (total votes: 204)


Huge update of the Game-Infos Archive! |
19th March 2001 |
61 games are added to the
Game Infos-archive, and this archive now contains 274 different games
with over 3700 screenshots and a lot of other useless and useful stuff.
Some of the added games are:
720 Degrees,
America's Cup,
Fight Night,
Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes Of Major Championship Golf,
Pub Games,
Street Surfer,
Touchdown Football,
TV Sports Football,
WWF European Rampage Tour &
WWF Wrestlemania.
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Big update of the Adverts & Covers Archive.. |
10th March 2001 |
The Games Archive was recently improved a little bit
a know it's time for the
Adverts & Covers, and it's looks in a similar way too.
The Adverts & Covers-archive now contains over 1000 scans.
Also added to every genre is a crosslink from any of the Adverts&Covers-genres to the same genre
in the Games Archive, just click on the name of the genre and you will come to game genre! There will
also be added crosslinks from the Games Archive to the Adverts & Covers soon.
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The Games Archive is updated! |
9th March 2001 |
The March Month Games Update, is including following added things (19 games in total);
1 Preview, Expansions Disks added to 2 games, 5 New Games, 4 Replaced Games (100% working versions) and
7 Spainish Versions of games. Here are some of the added/updated games:
The Big KO, Pub Games, Pure Stat Baseball, Pure Stat Football, Slam Dunk & Super Bowl Sunday.
Many thanks to
Commodore Mania for the Spainish Versions.
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Extra Bonuses for Track&Field & Hyper Sports found! |
16th February 2001 |
The Hints & Tips-secion is updated again. This time
I want to thank, Michael Lewis, for sending in those nice hints.
I remember that you could hit a 'bird' in the Javelin-event in
Track & Field, but did
you know this about the High Jump-event:
'Clear 3 heights in a row with your final attempt to make a mole come up from the
ground giving to another 1000 points!' And here is a nice bonus for the
Triple Jump-event in Hyper Sports: 'To make the bonus come up
(a rocket that gives you 3000 points extra), you have to make a perfect jump,
which means you have to hit the take-off board perfectly and get the angles 35, 41
and finally 45.'
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A poll is added to Stadium64 |
12th February 2001 |
Well, there have been a few visitors that have been requested a poll, so finally
we have added it to Stadium 64. And we are starting with a classic question:
"Which game in Epyx's 'Games'-serie is your favourite?". You'll find the Poll, after
the main menu to the right. And we will probably changed the question every new month.
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Old Stadium 64 is still online! |
8th February 2001 |
Did you know that Old Stadium 64
is (you might even find something there that don't exist here!)
still online? For over 10 months ago, Stadium 64 was removed to a new server.
You can still see how the old design looked like:
Old Stadium 64. So what
have happened during those 10 months? Well, over 150 games, 180 manuals and a lot of other things. Let's hope
that the next 10 months will be even more fantastic!
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Update of the Games Archive! |
6th February 2001 |
13 Games are added to the
Games Archive; Autotest, Crazy Golf, Derby Dash, Downhill Challenge,
Out Run Deluxe, Soccer Pinball, Tontauben Schiessen & some more games. The
Games Archive is also improved a little bit. And we are also introducing a new genre:
Horse Sports. Well, it was about time the horses got it owns
space! There are over 20 games in this genre know!
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Collections-page updated! |
23th January 2001 |
2 more Game Compilations are added:
Epyx Epics &
Challengers. And
most of the old Game Compilations are updated; 4 Soccer Simulators, Champions, Gold Silver Bronze,
Psycho's Soccer Selection & The Sports Pack. Go to the Collections-Page.
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More Games added to Game-Infos! |
23th January 2001 |
Following Games are added to Game Infos:
Basket Playoff, Bocce, Break Dance, Final Assault, GBA Championship Basketball, GFL Championship Football, G.P. Tennis Manager,
The Great American Cross-Country Road Race, Hot Wheels, MicroLeague Wrestling, Our Run, Pitstop, Pitstop II, Sporting News Baseball,
Street Sports Football, Street Sports Soccer & Super Ski. All of them are marked with 'NEW' at the 'Game Infos'.
The Original Arcade Music to Out Run is also added, thanks to Fredrik!
Also added to Outrun is the Course Map.
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The World Records are updated! |
22th January 2001 |
Well, it's been some months since the
World Records were updated, but now they
finally are! The most impressive record this time is the Foot Bag event in
California Games. Can you
do better than that?
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Out Run US Release WANTED! |
16th January 2001 |
There exist more European Versions v/s US Versions to our Commodore 64, than you can imagine!
OutRun is the last one I didn't know about until today. Thanks to Michael Lewis for sending in
a picture from the Title Screen. You can find more info about the US Release under the
Wanted Games-section. This section is also updated with
more wanted games! |
Chop N' Drop from System 3 added! |
15th January 2001 |
Did you know that the world famous game IK+ (International Karate+) was released under a second name?
Well, Chop N' Drop is the US release and it's
added to Stadium 64. It runs both on PAL/NTSC and auto-boots in 128-mode! Many thanks to Martin
Strandberg for converting and sending this nice game to Stadium64.
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Mattel Football - new american football game added! |
15th January 2001 |
A new basic american football game created by Skull 2K called:
Mattel - Classic Football is added, closely based on
the 1977 handheld mattel electronics game. Many thanks to the author himself for sending in this game!
For more basic Commodore64 games visit: Skull 2K's C64 BASIC Games Page.
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Sporting Classics - A Game Compilation is added. |
15th January 2001 |
A game compilation named
Sporting Classics is added, and guess what? It contains 5 classic sportgames! And all of them are
also represented in the gameinfos-area. 4 of the manuals has been on Stadium 64 before, but the last one
Star League Baseball is now added!
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Another Games Update! |
9th January 2001 |
A new year, and a new update. If you haven't noticed it
before; Stadium 64 are 'only' having one Games Update each month. This months
Latest Added Games includes most games in the 'weird sports'-genre.
Some of them might look strange to add, but you are actually competing to a human/computer player or/and can
score a goal. Thanks to Matthew Allen & Vince Humm for suggesting some of those games. Do you know any other
games that could be added? Please drop me an email!

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