New poll added/Old poll summary |
12th December 2001 |
A new poll is added today: What's your favourite golfing game?
Is it: Golf Construction Set, Greg Norman's Ultimate Golf,
Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes Of Major Championship Golf, Leaderboard Golf,
Leaderboard Executive Edition, Leaderboard Tournament, Nick Faldo's Championship Golf,
World Class Leaderboard, World Tour Golf or any other?
The old poll: "What's your favourite arcade football/soccer-game?"
is finally closed. And with 27% of the votes Microprose Soccer is the winner.
(total votes: 632) |


Reviews Archive Updated: 12 reviews added! |
10th December 2001 |
12 more
Reviews are added today;
Championship 3D Snooker,
Death Race,
GFL Championship Football,
Greg Norman's Ultimate Golf - Rerelease,
IK+ - Rerelease,
Kick Off,
Pro Mountain Bike Simulator,
Sport Of Kings,
Sports Pack,
Touchdown Football - Rerelease &
Winter Camp.
Thanks to Mike Semula for typing & sending them in!
The Reviews Archive now contains: 386 Sportgames!
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The Games Archive is updated once again! |
5th December 2001 |
The December Month Games Update are
including 19 games. Special thanks to Scuzzi One and Rob for some of those games!
The Games Archive now contains: 1040 Sportgames!
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Over 1000 Sportgames online for your entertainment! |
5th November 2001 |
Yeah, Stadium64 are finally reaching
the honourable amount of over 1000 sportgames.
The November Month Games Update are
including 26 games. The Games Archive now contains: 1021 Sportgames!
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Out Run US Release found and added! |
15th October 2001 |
Out Run - US Release is finally found and added!
It's a little bit improved from the European Release. Better presentation
and the in-game graphics is also changed a bit to the better. But the game is
still a BIG disappointment if you compare it to the arcade game.
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Reviews Archive Updated: 14 reviews added! |
9th October 2001 |
14 more
Reviews are added today;
4 Most Sports,
Footballer, The,
Game Set And Match,
Gold Silver Bronze,
Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash,
Last V8, The,
Leaderboard Par Four,
Passing Shot - Rerelease,
Pro Boxing Simulator,
Snooker And Pool,
Sports World 88,
Test Drive,
TV Sports Football &
World Championship Boxing Manager.
Thanks to Mike Semula for typing & sending them in!
The Reviews Archive now contains: 318 Sportgames!
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Game-Info for Skate Rock added! |
9th October 2001 |
Game-Info for
Skate Rock is added; '
After months of battling between all the rival skateboarders in town the arguments are
turning into violence with fights erupting everywhere. In abid to restore friendliness
to skateboarding a meeting is organised where it is decided that a competition is to
be held to find out, once and for all, who are the best skaters around.'
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The Games Archive is updated again! |
1st October 2001 |
The October Month Games Update, is including a few added and updated games;
Comment about the game World Cup Soccer, it was wrongly named World Cup Manager before. It was published
including two games in one; a manager and a question/facts game.
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